
Meter Reader

June 2008

My iTunes: Forever You May Run by Gavin Rossdale

Sorry this is so quick. Our company arrived so we are headed out for the evening. I snapped this today while at my photo shoot. These meters work overtime here in Atlanta. It is awfully hot and humid this time of year. I am missing the rainy cold days of London.



Hand In Hand
June 2008

My iTunes: Love Remains the Same by Gavin Rossdale

What a week! It sure was busy but it was so much fun! I am looking forward to getting to some commenting this week and soon....a new project will be coming!

Even though today is traditionally the day of rest, I photographed a family (and their extended family) after a christening. This is one of those reasons that I love being a photographer...I get to make a record during an intimate part of people's lives. How cool is that?!?! They just let me in and share their world. I love this job! While I will be busy editing my last four jobs from this past week, I wanted to share a snapshot that I loved from today. These two were so cute and seem to be two peas in a pod. I have another shoot tomorrow at the crack of dawn...I will share that as well in the next few days!

Hope you all are doing well and have a great start to your week! Congrats to Robert for getting through his first wedding job! Make sure to go and check it out! He did a great job!


Time to Pause

Going All Over
June 2008

My iTunes: People Are Strange by The Doors

As I sit here, I should be cleaning. Some friends are coming for a visit and I am so excited for them to get here! They are friends from London and they will be here all next week.

I snapped this shot the other day at a photo session. The shoot was a blast. As I watched the train go by loaded down with all the containers is brought back memories of when we loaded our own container to move to the UK and then loaded it to come back home to the States. Time sure does fly...

It is good to be home.


Tires For Sale.

June 2008

My iTunes: Let My Love Open the Door by Pete Townsend

This is going ot be short after my incredibly long week! This is a tire place near me. I just had to get a pic because I love the colors and writing. Looking at this now I should have gotten some images of the tires themselves! Maybe next time!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Good Days

Hanging Around
June 2008

My iTunes: I'm In Love With A Girl by Gavin DeGraw

That's my girl.

With a teen you have your good days and your not so good days. Today was a good one. No particular reason or event....it included nice words and laughter, sprinkled with patience and self control. It was lovely. I snapped this as she played with our labradoodle Riley, tonight in the backyard. She is always asking me why I love these types of shots so much where you can't see faces. I am not sure exactly what it is that draws me into this...but I shot it everytime I am shooting people.

How about you? Do you all like this type of shot as well? Why?


sPeCiAl dEliVeRy

Oh Yeah! It is a perfect fit in my driveway!
June 2008

This one will probably get better
gas mileage that what I am getting
right now! You think?

My iTunes: Nine In The Afternoon by Panic at the Disco

It is all my fault.

When Robert called and asked if he could pick my brain about the upcoming wedding he was shooting this weekend I was happy to help (after I was convinced he wasn't a psycho...). When our conversation ended he said he would like to send a little something along to me. Being the sarcastic person I am I told him there was no need for him to send me that Ferrari I had been wanting....

Fast forward to today.

I got my Ferrari....all two inches of it. It is a bute! Thanks so much Robert for being so funny and making me almost get into an accident when I started laughing so hard after opening it. Yes, I opened it while driving...BAD ANNA! ;) I snapped these shots tonight...I wanted to get my new car in my driveway. Pretty cool huh?

I know....ya'll are jealous! Hehehehe. Don't be...know I have two boys rolling on the floor fighting over it as I type!

My sons, Jack and Sam gave me some facts about my new car:

1. The Enzo Ferrari was named after the designer.
2. It is the fastest Ferrari.
3. There was a limited editions made.
4. It is the most expensive Ferrari made.

Wait??? Was I supposed to leave it in the package? Darn it.

Have a good one everyone!


Missing Him.

One Day....
May 2008

My iTunes: Gravel Lines by Amy Seeley

One day we will have chairs like these....looking down a lane like this one. Maybe waiting for our kids to come visit...with our grandkids of course! A LONG TIME FROM NOW. On days when I feel wordless, it is NEVER a Wednesday....so this cannot be a Wordless Wednesday post.

I think my title says it all...I hope he is checking this tonight.


Go Vikings Go.

Varsity Ready Position
June 2008

My iTunes: Clocks by Coldplay

Hi everyone! Sorry I have been so lax in my commenting. I have been incredibly busy the last few days and my better half had to be on a business trip! Can anyone say tired?? Anyhow, this week is a big week for me on the business front. I have two portrait sessions, I am photographing the JV and Varsity cheerleading camp at my daughters school (more on that in a sec) and VBS at our church. Oh and I just got finished doing Part 1 of a political session with a great woman who is running for County Commissioner. It has been very hectic but I am loving it! Not to mention I am getting my name out there on different fronts and learning a TON!

The shot above of the Varsity squad was taken this afternoon. I love the reflection on the floor! The shot below is the JV squad. My daughter (who has never cheered before) decided she was going to try out for cheerleading at her high school a few months ago. Of course, I freaked. Why? Because I NEVER cheered. Growing up in Kentucky, if you weren't cheering out of the womb you were out of luck at tryouts...it is serious there...along with college basketball. Well, she trained and practiced and she made the JV squad. I am so proud of her. I told her she will never be able to tell me she can't do something. NEVER. :)

I am officially hired to do all the cheerleading pictures both groups and individual so I basically I am team photographer. It is so fun and my daughter and I are getting to spend tons of time together hanging out. I love being a part of this community and they have embraced me and my business which has been a real blessing.

Have a good one!

JV Ready Position
June 2008


Looking Up, Back, and Under.

Flower View
June 2008

My iTunes: No Air by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown

Short post tonight...almost non-existent....except for the photo. I have a long night ahead of me and a big day tomorrow. I have cleaning to do and I am on a roll....so I will get back to it.

Isn't this shot lovely though? I love flowers from the back...let's face it...the petals get ALL the glory....

Enjoy it!


Concert Bound

Piano Man
April 2008

My iTunes: Death and All His Friends by Coldplay

YAY! I am the proud owner of six Coldplay tickets! I am so glad I was able to get them! My sister will be coming in November with her girls and then we are all going to see them here in Atlanta. The last time I saw Coldplay in concert was 3 years ago. It was an amazing show... surprisingly intimate in an amphitheater in Raleigh, NC. The guys were funny and had quite a bit of banter with the crowd which I loved.

I have always had a passion for music and anything having to do with music. Not that I can carry a tune or play an instrument....I cannot. Lucky for ya'll. I got this shot at a photo session a couple of months ago and was waiting to use it. The boy who is playing in this shot has been playing for a long time and has even started writing his own music. Very cool. This seems appropriate for a post celebrating music and the joy that it brings me personally.

I am just ready to see Chris Martin playing that piano of his in person!

See you all tomorrow!


You're HIRED.

Making Her Way
May 2008

My iTunes: Life in Technicolor by Coldplay

I think I am somewhat of a wedding photographer now. I got hired just last week for my next wedding. Through word of mouth (in a different state I might add), I am shooting another wedding in October in Kentucky. I have to thank my sister who also happens to be one of my biggest fans for littering my hometown with my business cards to who ever she may meet! She met someone while out shopping and ended up telling her about me. We emailed back and forth a few times and now I am hired! YAY! She seems like a seriously cool person and just wants me to shoot the way I love with very little posing and lots of detail and artistic flair. I am very excited and looking forward it! Another blogger friend, Robert also has some great news...make sure to check out his blog here.

This shot was from my last wedding. I have not posted it before although it is one of my favorites. Just looking at this I am excited about all that is to come as I am TOTALLY enjoying this ride!

Have a great weekend! Wish me luck...I will be trying to get Coldplay concert tickets that go on sale tomorrow for their Viva La Vida tour that is hitting Atlanta in November. I will update you tomorrow!


I Can't Resist.

June 2008

My iTunes: Madness by Alanis Morrisette
(I am listening to this A LOT! Great stuff!)

Ok, this shot isn't about composition, lighting or depth of field. This is basically a window into my relationship with my mom. We always joke with my mom about how she says things and then adds "just kidding" on the end. It is kind of scary because we all know that she normally means whatever comes before the "just kidding"...I (and maybe a few others linked to me by DNA) think she only adds that so our feelings don't get hurt. It really is funny. Actually it happened today when we talked on the phone!

Anyhow, on out first day in Durango we passed by this sign and while we were there we passed it about another 100 times. Every single time I saw it, I thought of my mom and how much I miss her since she lives far from me. I sure wish she would visit...hint, hint. ;) I just had to take this. And I love the colors. I love the hotel signs from the West. I got a couple more I will share later on next week.

Have a great weekend coming up everyone!


Double Digits

Getting Ready!
June 2008

My iTunes: Naive by The Kooks

Sorry to be away for a couple of days....

In my house today....10 is the new 16! Our middle child turned 10 today. Another child in double digits. WOW. When did that happen? We had a great day. Fresh off of some serious jetlag and exhaustion from travel, we had this important birthday to celebrate!

We already knew what he wanted. A bike. Not just any bike. This bike. He looks like a adult (ok, a small one) on this 26 inch bike. These shots were taken today...yes, I do manage to get some shots of my kids in! We had a great day together and topped it off with dinner with family. Thanks Peg.

Happy Birthday Jack!

Foot on the pedals...
June 2008

He's a Pro


Manic Monday

Good Morning
June 2008

My iTunes: Every Breath You Take by The Police

Hey everyone...

I am posting as I pack in the middle of the night as we prepare to head back home. Later this morning, the kids will wake up and then we will start a day that will seem to last FOREVER as we travel back to the east coast and back to our normal time zone. In case it is not clear yet, I MAY not be posting tomorrow but you never know!

I shot this image the morning after we arrived in Durango. I rolled out of bed, went out on the deck and was staring at this beautiful sight. What wonderful view to greet me everyday! I sure will miss this place.

Take care and have a great start to your week!


Why He's A Wonderful Dad...

Grand Canyon Fun
June 2008

My iTunes: There Is A Reason by Caedmon's Call

Happy Birthday and Father's Day to my better half! For 10 days a year we are the same age. The 15th is the day he is officially older than me...again! I cannot imagine my life without him. To put it simple, I am just a better person with him. God very purposefully put us together and I am so grateful for the day he was born. He is the father of our three wonderful children and as you can see in the pictures above an below...he is a kid at heart. He is always doing crazy stuff like this! He really needs to stop being so shy in front of the camera! That is one of the reasons I fell in love with him. He is the boys favorite playmate and as for Sadie...well, she is Daddy's girl.

We love you very much!

As a side note, I do realize these would have been perfect for Project Blue. ;)

"Anna loves me!" Hehehe.
Happy at Monument Valley
June 2008


Merrick Butte View

Monument Valley in Black and White
June 2008

My iTunes: Not As We by Alanis Morissette

On our whirlwind tour of Arizona, near the border of Utah, we made sure to stop at Monument Valley after we went to the Grand Canyon. There just are not words for what we have seen the last few days. Magnificent is one. Breathtaking is another. Those still don't do any of it justice.

This is one of my favorite shots from Monument Valley...mainly because of the tree in the foreground. Hope you all like it and it makes you want to go for a visit.


Window Through Time

"Looking Through"
June 2008

My iTunes: Underneath by Alanis Morissette

This shot above would've been perfect for Mark's Project Look Through...except that I am a month and a half late!

Anyhow, I shot this on our trip Mesa Verde, Colorado. It really is an amazing place where you can walk around the ancient cliff dwellings made by the Puebloan people. The structures are dated back to 600 A.D. I got several great shots but this one stood out to me. All of you know I prefer close ups for detail but I had to get one farther back and that image is below.

The kids are much better and fever free after resting for the day, so we will resume our adventuring tomorrow!

Spruce Tree House
Mesa Verde, CO

Looking Back...

Image shot by Jeanne for the finale of her Project Green

My iTunes: All Around the World by Oasis

Hi all!

OK, so I am not asleep....I have night duty this evening watching my sick one sleep. I thought I would pass some time by posting what I had been meaning to do earlier today. I have had so much fun with all these projects. It all started with a little red bench I saw and the title "Project Red. Take One"...the rest is history. It turned into this wonderful project with all of you participating! It is so exciting to be meeting all of you and sharing our color finds with each other in Blogland! I am STILL looking through Project Blue posts since I have been on vacation so also thanks for being patient as I make my way around to each of you!

Through these projects many of you have made me laugh whether with your posts....or with your comments to me. Some people have incorporated me with their posts and I have enjoyed that as well. I love that some of you may be noticing something in your everyday that you might have otherwise overlooked or that you have gotten creative again with the challenge to find a color. Here are just three I thought I would share with you all. I hope you like these as much as I did!

See you in July from another Project!


In the Land of Carson where the angles lie.
One Color to rule them all, One Color to find them,
One Color to bring them all and in the project bind them
In the Land of Carson where the angles lie.

Poetic license of Tolkein's work by Carletta on her final Project Blue


Created by Amy for Project Yellow!

Thanks everyone for embracing these projects and having so much fun! It is my pleasure to be finding all the colors of the rainbow with each of you! Be ready for more in early July!

Playing Midnight Nurse...

Evening all....actually to some of you it is early in the am!

I just got back from the Grand Canyon with two sick kids and I am exhausted! We had fun but our boys had a pretty rough day. I sure hope they are better in the morning.

I will be posting in the am! Please check back!


Project Blue. Take Ten. What a Ride!


Alternate Blue Bike
June 2008

My iTunes: Never Going Back to OK by The Afters

Howdy all!

Greetings from no-where-ville, Arizona.

We were spontaneous and decide to head to the Grand Canyon! When I write spontaneous, I mean we were in Mesa Verde and planning to go to the Grand Canyon later in the week and decided to keep driving. No bags packed or anything....just the five of us and a map! Yes, we are having fun but I have not been able to get my picture to load for tonight...it has taken FOREVER! At 1 a.m. eastern time, I finally got it to work through Flickr.

When we were in Mesa Verde today, I was so excited to get a striking blue pic of an amazing blue Harley Davidson. Unfortunately I could not get it off my camera for posting tonight. I will post it soon but I did have this shot from yesterday of a very retro bicycle I passed as we were walking in Durango. I hope you all like it.

Please come back tomorrow for a special look back to Project Yellow and Project Green courtesy of two project participants! Thanks to all of you for your participation in this project! It has been a great time! BTW, the next project will be coming at the beginning of July! Make sure to check back...

Farewell Project Blue!

Have a good day wherever you are in the world!


Project Blue. Take Nine.

Finding Our Way
June 2008

My iTunes: Linger by The Cranberries

OK, so I was supposed to be somewhere else today so I don't have the picture I was intending. Our plans changed which is fine....it is after all, vacation! I snapped this as we were driving...actually, I made my husband find a place to stop so I could get out and take the picture. I love blue and yellow together so I was thrilled to see this sign.

Hope you all are well. The final Project Blue for me is tomorrow and I will be ready to move on to some of my regular daily blogging. I will let you all know tomorrow when my next Project will be but I will not be announcing the color!

Have a great week everyone!



Project Blue. Take Eight.

My World View (for today)
June 2008

My iTunes: Violet Hill by Coldplay

Hi everyone! I have an early post today!

Today was our four wheeling day! So fun but we are all exhausted. We went to Missionary's Ridge. It was 18 mile long trail up and at our highest point we were at about 10,000 feet. Pretty cool. At the top, was Henderson Lake. We rested there and ate some snacks before heading back down the way we came. This has been the best family day we have had in a long time. Everyone was laughing, helping each other out and just having fun. Our kids are at the ages now where we can enjoy a lot together which has been nice. I am glad I got some pics to remember it for many years to come! We are hoping to take the four wheelers again to Silverton later next week!

The top shot is one of my favorites. That was the view at Henderson Lake from my four wheeler I was riding. Stunning doesn't even begin to describe the views all along the ride. Below there is a pic of Sadie and the last image is that "HAVE TO" image...to prove I was indeed there. My blogger friend John, reminded me I had to take one of these after his post from yesterday! Thanks a lot! And BTW, there is blue in each of these photos even though the top shot is my addition today to the project!

Tomorrow I have a special surprise post. My last Project Blue will be Tuesday night! Whatever will I do?

Sadie Girl

Me....the unwilling participant with a smile. ;)


Project Blue. Take Seven.

Lunch at Stone House
June 2008

My iTunes: Your Love by The Outfield

Weekend hellos!

We spent the day riding the bikes we rented. It was great fun considering this was the first time we have all been able to ride...and keep up, now that both boys can ride two-wheelers! We rode and rode....stopping only to watch the white water rafters, the kayakers and of course...lunch. We stopped at Stone House Subs and it was yummy! I highly recommend this local favorite if you visit Durango.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Project Blue. Take Six.

All Aboard!
June 2008

My iTunes: Be My Escape by Relient K

Greetings all from the West!

Thanks for all my birthday wishes for today and yesterday! I had a very good day and wasn't "blue" at all! ;) Sorry this is up late...we have been gone ALL day and into this evening!

Today, we went on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad train to Silverton, Colorado. It is very hard to describe in words the experience. AMAZING. MAJESTIC. Those are just a couple of words that come to mind. I took so many pictures and I still sifting!

I hope you like this one. I snapped this one along with 100 others BEFORE the train ever left the station. YIKES. I am very happy with because I like that he is not looking at me....it seems very realistic. I did not even realize I captured it until I saw it later at home.
Mike, you would have been proud and Mark, well, you should have seen me hanging out the train car. I was having my boys steady me for "the" shot. I am telling you, I have gone crazy...I am now pulling my kids in to the MADNESS!

Luckily, the sky was blue and the engineer was wearing blue as well! A perfect combo for my post! He was even nice enough to take a few pics for me of the inside of the engine when I asked. Very cool.

See you tomorrow for MORE Project Blue! Is everyone still having fun?
Remember that you only need to add your web address ONCE to Mr. Linky!


Project Blue. Take Five.

Birthday Blue
June 2008

My iTunes: Love Remains The Same by Gavin Rossdale

Happy birthday to me...(or should I say anniversary?)

Yes, today I am celebrating my 7th anniversary of my 29th birthday! Thanks TIM for my birthday shout out! :)

I know some of you have questions about the Mr. Linky so I will answer those now. When you are posting your Project Blue, all you have to do is enter your web address ONCE...that way when some one clicks the link, they will see your site and can scroll through your blues. Make sense? So there is no need to enter more than once for each post. Also, you can find blue every day with me or just once or twice...whatever you feel like doing. I hope this helps!

See you tomorrow with more blue additions!


Project Blue. Take Four.

Letter Box
June 2008

My iTunes: Green Eyes by Coldplay

Greetings all from out West! So sorry for the lateness of my post!

We are traveling through Colorado and I have finally managed to snag myself some internet access! YAY! I am stunned by all these comments and participants in Project Blue. Since my internet is the way it is for awhile, I will be visiting blogs SLOWLY....but I will be there so keep posting! I am enjoying all I am seeing!

When I chose blue as the color this time around, I had no idea how hard it was going to be to find blue in Colorado! Browns and greens are covered...blue is A LOT harder! I don't use the images in my archives when I do these projects so I have been on a blue obsessed photo hunt for the last 36 hours! And I found ONE! Yes, only one. This image is so fitting! Here I am trying to communicate with all of you come hell or high water, and I find this old letter box standing upright in the depot of the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. (Mike, if you are reading this, you are going to love the images I am bringing home with me!) I don't think I have ever seen a mailbox like this and thought it was very "old school"...it stands on a post like a gum ball machine.

Seeing this got me thinking of how communication has changed through the years and how I love my email and how I can be "in touch" instantly with those in my life. I rarely get a hand written letter unless it is from my 76 year old great Aunt Jane. Never know, maybe I will take some time and write a few letters while I am on vacation.

See ya'll tomorrow!


Project Blue. Take Three.

Looking to the Skies
June 2008

My iTunes: Real World by Matchbox 20

This is going to be short. Our family is off a BIG adventure! It has started with a bit if a bump....two words...stolen. bag....but all will be good. More on that later. At church we had a sermon yesterday about peace and trying not to worry...I am thinking that was a VERY timely sermon for us.

I snapped this image at the airport. I love flying and this window gave me a neck ache after awhile. I love going to places I have never been before. I have little butterflies in my stomach!

I will not have internet easily where we will be but I will try to find it here and there so I can post daily! Keep finding blue and I will too! I am enjoying all the entries!


Project Blue. Take Two

Faded Blue Flower
June 2008

My iTunes: Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis

Hey everyone! I am so glad that everyone (most everyone) seems thrilled about doing the color blue! I am enjoying it I must say!

This was taken in my backyard this morning before church. Isn't it pretty? I am no green thumb! This along the the 10 other bushes around my yard was courtesy of the previous owner. YAY for me! :)

Keep finding blue! See you tomorrow!