
You're HIRED.

Making Her Way
May 2008

My iTunes: Life in Technicolor by Coldplay

I think I am somewhat of a wedding photographer now. I got hired just last week for my next wedding. Through word of mouth (in a different state I might add), I am shooting another wedding in October in Kentucky. I have to thank my sister who also happens to be one of my biggest fans for littering my hometown with my business cards to who ever she may meet! She met someone while out shopping and ended up telling her about me. We emailed back and forth a few times and now I am hired! YAY! She seems like a seriously cool person and just wants me to shoot the way I love with very little posing and lots of detail and artistic flair. I am very excited and looking forward it! Another blogger friend, Robert also has some great news...make sure to check out his blog here.

This shot was from my last wedding. I have not posted it before although it is one of my favorites. Just looking at this I am excited about all that is to come as I am TOTALLY enjoying this ride!

Have a great weekend! Wish me luck...I will be trying to get Coldplay concert tickets that go on sale tomorrow for their Viva La Vida tour that is hitting Atlanta in November. I will update you tomorrow!


Mark said...

Congratulations. I'm sure you will do a fantastic job. I have spent time Kentucky, not far from Lexington in a town called Wilmore.

Good luck on getting Coldplay tickets. My wife decided a couple months ago that she liked them a lot, after five or so years of my listening to them and her never knowing who they were. Better late than never.

Emily Dorchak said...


kenju said...

Congrats, Anna! The only bad thing about wedding photography is that your weekends are not your own! Take it from a wedding florist who knows.

brittaffeldt said...

Congratulations!! And good luck with the Coldplay tickets!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome photo, and congrats!

Unknown said...

Hope you get the tickets! And wow at that photo, it's stunning!

Jared said...

Congrats! I'm glad to hear (or I suppose read) about the Blessing God has laid upon you! Although I've only attended one wedding I can remember, it was a pretty cool time. =)

God Bless!

Robert said...

You ARE a wedding photographer. Cross out "somewhat." If you need any advice though, just ask! Ha ha. This really is sooo exciting. Maybe someday you'll get to shoot a wedding in your home state!

Good luck getting concert tickets. We're going to two shows next month. First will be MercyMe. I *love* their stuff lately. And then we'll see James Taylor.

Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your next wedding shoot Anna :0)

timtim said...

Congratulations! Great news!! Good luck on the Coldplay tickets. I love their new song!

Unknown said...

How exciting! I wish I had a wedding on the horizon just so I could have the excuse to have you do the photos! :)

Paul Nichols said...

Anna, the picture of the western motel sign stirred up some childhood feelings. I grew up in the west and I supposed all motel signs were like that. Good one.

And a great wedding photo.

Confession: I posted one last Project Blue photo. I just couldn't help myself.

Anna said...

Congrats on landing another wedding! Good luck getting Coldplay tickets I hear they're amazing in concert. I left you a voice mail yesterday... I'm working today, tomorrow and Monday but maybe I'll try to give you a call on Tuesday.

blue in the stream said...

Anna - Congratulations! What fantastic news - enjoy every minute!

Carletta said...

A beautiful bride!


Karen Coutu said...

Congratulations! Word of mouth is so powerful.

Good luck with getting the concert tickets!!

photowannabe said...

Congratulations...you have hit the big time. Your photography is lovely and the bride will love everything you do.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great shot. Sounds like you are off and running.

Congratulations on wedding #2.

Martin Brook said...

Awesome! Isn't it great how God uses our giftedness! Obviously, shooting wedding pics are one of yours---go with yer gut and you'll do well.

Also, gotta say.....I'll have to check out those Cold Play folks. Heard much about em....Never really listened to their stuff. Congrats on that too! Wow! Bask in all these great things that are coming your way!!!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

That's very cool that you've got some wedding gigs. From the ones I've done, I know that they are A LOT of work ;)

tommie said...

Congrats! I love your style of photography, I can see why she wants you to shoot such an important day.

I will be in KY tomorrow.....and will be settled by Oct.