
Project Green. Take One.

Green Door
April 2008

My iTunes: Say by John Mayer

Everyone is going green so I thought my blog should as well! I didn't know the color I would be posting until today. I was trying to be spontaneous and not think about it too much! I shot this green door at an old, one-room schoolhouse in Virginia last week. As you can imagine, I was completely captivated by it.

Anyhow...here is your challenge (if you choose to accept it)...

Find green...and sure, get a tree or grass if you want...but get creative if you do! Make sure to share it with all of us and be sure to add your name and link below if you join in so we can all check your post out!

Happy green hunting everyone and have a great week!



Karen Coutu said...

That is a great shade of green!

My son is so excited. He's been asking me for days what the next color will be. I will have my first one up shortly.

Anonymous said...

That photo POPS! Great lines, too. I have a fun one to start things off...hopefully, I'll be able to catch up with both Project Green AND PLT.

Ooooo, the possibilities!


Anonymous said...

This door is wonderful and green is my favorite color! I must go find something green, then I will return and put my name on your linksie! Yay, green!

Anonymous said...

I will have to gather some green shots before I join. very nice!

JunieRose2005 said...


My favorite color!!!

I'll post something tomorrow for sure!


david mcmahon said...

I'm in!!

b13 said...

YAY! A new project! I have some shots lined up for the week :)

Christy said...

Yay! My fave colour! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

fantastic photo - i found you through Ginas blog and have been waiting for the new colour, on the hunt for green!!

Shelly said...

Oh Anna dear...you've created a monster in me, I was like a fussy toddler today incessantly checking to see what the new color was. Funny thing is, I see a few other folks were just as antsy pants as I was. This will be more challenging than yellow...love your green door.
Thanks for the fun!

Anonymous said...

What a great color on that door!

Anna said...

I'm glad y'all are liking the door...this is one of my all time FAV photos I have taken!

Can't wait to see the greens you all find!

kenju said...

Hooray~! I love green (as you know). Today's green is just something I had in the files; tomorrow's will be better, I think.

Robert said...

The door you found is a wonderful capture. I love how close you got to show the fine details. It really looks great. And what a brilliant green. Nicely done, Anna.

kenju said...

Anna, thanks for the visit. I am missing her as well! We are not bad at all; hope you are all healthy.

Jan Parrish said...

Vibrant! Great shot.

Carletta said...

Hi Anna,
It's a little past 2:30 - and you thought you had been posting late!
I saw where you came by and commented on my last PLT. I didn't have my green up yet. It's up now when you get time I hope you'll take a look.
I LOVE that door - it's a wonderful photo!
Let the fun begin!

ZiFO said...

First pic is green :D

Lacey Lichi said...

OOOOOooooo! I'm all in. Love the color and composition of that shot. I'll be looking for green today!

Mark said...

At first I thought you had digitally cleared all colors except the green, but then I see that there are stray bits of green paint, and hints of color elsewhere.

Excellent pic to start the new project. I'll play along as soon as I can.

Bobkat said...

Hi. That is a great shot of that door :)

I have a question: how often are participants required to post for 'Project Green' and do they come back and link each time they do? I was thinking of joining in but work is so busy I will only be able to join in as time allows.

Kerri Farley said...

Awesome shot Anna!
I am SO happy you chose Green this week!!

CG said...

that's so zingy! I will post my first green pic tomorrow!

Stacey Olson said...

Anna, You did much better for me with this one. I have already posted before comming here, so will have to go back and put you link... Beautiful photo today by the way.. thanks

Rebecca said...

My project green will be coming later on today.

Moksha Gren said...

As I said on my site yesterday, I owe my folks some actual text. However, once I've completed that obligation, I'll see what fun I can have with Project Green.

Very nice image to start the project, by the way.

Anonymous said...

great texture, very interesting work. well done

Carolyn said...

Anna, I LOVE old things like that and you captured it perfectly. I can practically hear the hinges squeak! Nicely done.

I've decided to join in. My 1st one is already up :)

Jeanne Damoff said...

I love this shot, Anna. I also love the way photography converts chipping paint or a crumbling staircase to art. It makes me look at the world in a whole new way.

I landed here through Robin (Pensieve) and Michelle P. It's so nice to "meet" you. Your photographs are gorgeous! I look forward to participating in your projects. I just posted my first Project Green shot with a link to your blog.

Have a lovely day.

Laura said...

My son's favorite color.. this should be fun!!
I love that green so bold!

Anonymous said...

Your green Anna is so bright and beautiful! Mine is a little dull but I'll do better!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your door! Great shot! I missed out on "Yellow" :-( but I'm happy to be joining the ranks this week.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I'm with June - missed out on Project Yellow, but enjoyed the fruits of everyone's labor.

I love the contrast of your door photo. Terrific shot.

Anonymous said...

This is VERY green! As I thought it's spring and so on bla-bla-bla I made my step in very classical way...;)

Jientje said...

Lovely and green, beautiful picture!

I have joined in again too! It's up!

Bobkat said...

Hi Anna! Thanks for getting back to me. I will play along when I can but for now my first effort of depicting 'green' is up!

Anonymous said...

I love that the color is green and this picture is awesome!!

Anna said...

Love the shade of green! I just posted my first for project green :-)

George Townboy said...

That is an awesome photo!!

I just posted a little variation of green, lol.

Toni said...

I just LOVE this shade of green! My favorite crayon color was always the original green...colored real hard and dark :)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

with spring here, green is the color :)
love, love the door shot.

lynn said...

Great shot, I love the color of that door. I found your blog a week or two ago and have really been enjoying it.

I decided to join in on the project green and see what I can come up with.

Mark said...

Just so's you know, I click on this door to get the bigger version, and it won't load. It points to:

Lilli & Nevada said...

It is nice to see so much green after so many snow shots.

Anonymous said...

That shade of green is pretty cheery looking.
Anna :) I'm so excited with your new project. I missed out on Yellow :(

Chad Oneil Myers said...

This is my favorite of the "Green" ones so far.

"Say what you need to say"

Melli said...

Oh, I LOVE this! Reminds me very much of a childhood door I once knew! :)

Peculiar said...

This, out of all of the great and fabulous green pictures you took, has got to be my favorite. I got info. about your website from Robin @ Pensieve, so I've been looking in on your pictures periodically. Your eye and perspective on things are...I can't describe, but I love it!! You don't need me to tell you this though. You've got to know already how professional you really are and have been. Thanks for sharing your pictures.