All Smiles
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: There's Only One (Holy One), Caedmon's Call
This is the first image that I have posted that I did not take. There is a good reason for this I promise!
Actually, I am not sure who snapped it...but I am glad they did. My better half John, is the silly American in the middle of all those smiling kids. It seems they are each jockeying for the position closest to him in the shot. So cute. I couldn't resist posting this on the eve of his return home. Some people have seen this but I wanted to make sure to share it with my blogging friends. Many of you have followed my journey the last few weeks since he has been gone in India. I have asked for prayer for everything...from keeping him safe to extra patience with my children as I cope on my own. Thanks so much to each of you for your encouragement and prayers. I thought that you might like to see a small glimpse of what he has been up to 4200 miles away from me!
This shot was taken earlier in his trip. The group he is with were visiting a school in the slums of Sugandh. The smiles here are some of the biggest I have ever seen... I mean on the kids and John! You wouldn't imagine all the devastation that lies within a few steps from here by seeing these faces. A good friend of mine saw this photo and remarked that John was proably thinking of his own kids at home when this was taken. That was a sweet sentiment for me to hear...thanks Tim.
As I am writing this, he is still quite sick. As he boards the plane in Dehli in about 5 hours bound for Heathrow, I am praying that God would relieve him swiftly from this illness and give him rest. I am hoping that being in his bed, in his home, with all of us will be some sort of remedy and comfort for him.
See you tomorrow!
Let the Sunshine In...
Afternoon Light
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Serenade by Steve Miller Band...I love this song!
I can't tell you how ready I am for this weekend! John comes home on Sunday so I will spend the next couple of days preparing for his return and my subsequent checking out! Just kidding! :)
Although I am looking forward to some relief after 19 days of single parenthood, I may not get it right off. I got word today that after feeling great the first two weeks, he has been in bed quite sick for the past 24 hours. I am praying his body heals quickly for his trip back here. Please keep us in your thoughts while he begins his adjustment back home. I have no doubt it may be hard for him as he begins to process all he has seen and experienced for the past couple of weeks. At some point soon, I hope to hear all about his adventures in India and how God is working there.
I took this shot several weeks ago on a trip into the city. I remember stopping and taking this view in because of how pretty and radiant it looked to me. It is one of my favorites I have taken with the combination of the warm light pouring in from street level along with the lines and shadows from the iron frame of the gate. I should have shared this shot earlier because it is soothes me. This definitely would have been helpful earlier in my week for sure. Better late than never I always say!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thinking Blogger Award!
Mike's Choice...
January 10, 2007
What I'm Listening To: Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Hi all!
I am so thrilled tonight! After 200 posts, I just won my first blogging award! :) I honestly can't remember the last time I won anything so I am so excited about this! Thanks Mike for the award and for all the kind thoughts you wrote about my blog! Please go here to read Mike's blog. He also has a photo blog that I enjoy as well. Make sure to check them both out.
As far as the image above, after finding out about this award, I asked Mike to try to give me one shot that he really liked so I could post it for you all. His choice was from January 10, 2007 called "It's Not What You Think" here to read the original post.
The Thinking Blogger Award is a meme, which means when I accept the award I also accept the tag to post my five favorite blogs that get me thinking! The first and only meme I had ever done was just a few days ago for my 200th post. Here I go again. I can't tell you how hard it is to come up with a list of five when there are so many that I visit daily. Thankfully after searching for who has won the award before, a few of the blogs I read daily have already won so I will honor some others! :) No doubt the award will make it around because we all seem to be in the same blogging community.
OK, so here are my five blogs that keep me thinking (in no particular order). Please take a few minutes to visit them and tell them congratulations on their award!
Ruminations of a Country Girl...She is the sister of a good friend and she has become my friend as well now. We have never met in person but are yearning to have a cup of tea together one day (ok, I would have a Diet Coke). Bluemountainmama shares her life as a Christian wife and mother from the winding hills of Appalachia. Her blog is an ode to a life in the country and a love letter to her Father and His creation. Her writings are thoughtful and with purpose. This is another daily stop for me in Blogland that I wouldn't miss.
Sarch's Blog...Who would have thought that I was a motorcycle girl? Not I. I am pretty sure Sarch found my blog one day and we have been burning up the lines beween our blogs ever since. Sarch is a Godly man, a husband, and a father who takes me and his other readers along on his motorcyle journeys through Alabama and beyond. To top it off, it is a family affair...his mom, dad and his wife all ride as well! Pretty cool I think.
Corey's Photo-A-Day...Ever wanted to relive those college days? Now you can. I have to admit, my heart will always be younger than I am so I love this site! Visiting his site you quickly understand that Corey is a package deal with his friends and their blogs as well...there are 3 more that you can link to on the side so I have to do a shout out to Jake, Kyle, and Evan (Evan's link is HAHA RADIO). Go here for more about all of them. Also check out the band he is in Before Summer Ends. I make time to visit Corey because he shares his college life with his readers not only in words, but also in pictures and music. It is a fun stop for me that I won't miss! Ahhhh....good times. Good Times.
PHOTOWANNABE...The fact that I do a Photo-A-Day is the reason why some of my favorite blogs get me thinking...about photography! Wander over here to Sue and you won't be disappointed! She has quite an eye and I wouldn't miss a day. It is an adventure to get a glimpse of the world through someone else's lens....for me, it gives me joy. Thanks Sue and thanks for all your kind words to me. It is a pleasure to visit you!
WIFE IN THE SUBURBS (Tales from the suburban jungle)...Hopefully you all have a place where you can go where you can here it like it is...this is just one of those places for me in the "blogoshpere". Natalee is a wife and mom in Greenville, South Carolina. She constantly reminds me of the grace I need and that my Savior offers it lovingly. The trait I love to see most in people is transparency...and Nat ooozes it. Post after post, she is a real breath of fresh air in a world that can be judgemental and painful. Thanks Nat for all of your thoughts you share.
There they are. It was agonizing to select just five. Every blog on my sidebar has a thumbs up approval. So please take time to check them all out.
The participation rules are simple:
1) If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2) Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3) Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Thanks again to all those blogs that I visit daily. I appreciate the time you all take to write down your thoughts and take out your camera. It makes life even more sweet!
Take care!
Looking Down & Up
A Mini, A Tree, and A Sky
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
Hello there everyone! It is late here and I am exhausted! Day number 15 of missing my better half....only 4 more days to go until he arrives! I couldn't let the day end with out sharing this image.
I snapped this on an afternoon walk....
I was admiring one of my favorite little cars, the MINI and noticed the tree in the reflection of the paint. Very cool I think. Sorry there are no more words tonight.
This is just a reminder to keep your eyes will never know what you might see!
Tomorrow I will have lots to say I'm sure...see you then!
Time to Play
Hold on Tight
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Fields of Grace by Big Daddy Weave
It was so pretty here today. We got a dinner invitation from some friends of ours and before dinner we went to the park. The kids had a great time running around and getting some fresh air. There is definitely something about a day like today. The good weather and good friends gave me a bit of the rejuvenation that I have been needing. I know God knew exactly what I needed today and I am so thankful that He delivered it to me.
I snapped these shots of my friends son while he was playing on the jungle gym. He is younger than my boys and just loves to run, play, and hang out with them. I was like that too when I was a kid....always wanting to be around the older kids. Being the youngest in my family, that usually was my brother & sister...lucky them! :)
So like it was for me, I am thinking today was pretty neat for him as well. I hope that you all have a good day tomorrow...Is It My Turn Yet?
Urban Dusk
High Voltage Sky
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Dust In The Wind by Linkin Park (Acoustic guitar version)
I am so glad that so many of you are enjoying the MEME from yesterday that I posted. I had to fix it after I realized that I had made a mistake on numbers 33 and 34. I really should start proofreading! I cant stand when I do stuff like that! Anyhow, thanks for all your kind comments about my daughter as well...she has enjoyed reading them! I do hope that if any of you do the questions you will have as much fun as I did while doing it.
On the heels of my post yesterday and thoughts of my daughter, I decided to take her out for a girls night this evening. We had a great time. How can you go wrong with good conversation and delicious food? It was a lot of fun. I think it was time that we both needed with eachother. We are hoping do something like this every other week so we can share and catch up.
As our evening ended we decided to do what most mom's end up doing on a night out at one time or another....we went by the grocery. What was I thinking? :) Anyway, I am glad we stopped because I snapped this image as I got in the car to go home. The beautiful, vibrant pink sky with all the high voltage electrical lines from the tube and the rail services caught my eye. And do you see that tree in the middle of the picure with all the curves? I thought this shot was lovely.
BTW, you should have seen the looks I got taking this....pretty funny.
Sadie girl
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Kingdom Come by Coldplay
Hi all! I am celebrating a milestone here today...MY 200th POST! YAY!
Just to give you a fair warning, there is a MEME below so if you read are TAGGED! :) I have never participated in a tag before but I clicked my way to one and had fun doing it! :) Have fun with it. Let me know if you do it and fell free to add a question of your own! Thanks Craig and Sarch! I have so much fun doing my Photo of the Day. Thanks to all of you for visiting me!
As for the image I posted, I have enjoyed a fun day with my kids and decided to snap my daughter on our walk. She is a lot like her mama! We have spent the better part of her life growing up together. She is growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it. I pray for her and her heart as she gets older. She is a good girl who loves God. I love her for all she brings into my life...
Now for the MEME...
1. Where is your cell phone? At the store, waiting to be bought. I'm not kidding!
2. Your spouse? Treking through India...again, not kidding.
3. Your hair? Never the way I want it.
4. Your mother? An ocean away...
5. Your father? With my mother...
6. Your favorite thing? laughter.
7. Your dream last night? I didn't, I had a headache and 2 Tylenol PM!
8. Your favorite drink? Margaritas
9. Your dream car? Audi A4
10. The room you are in? the lounge (that's the UK term)/homeschool room
11. Your favorite food? Anything Mexican.
12. Your fear? being alone
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? on the other side of the teenage years!
14. Who did you hang out with last night? I had a hot date with my kids!
15. What you’re not? my age (I am much, much younger!)
16. Muffins? Chocolate Chip
17. One of your wish list items? A home of our own...
18. Your dinner tonight? Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
19. The last thing you ate? homous from Israel (I love being in a foreign country)
20. What are you wearing? the usual: jeans, a t-shirt & flip flops (yes, it's winter)
21. Your tv? SO on...(Greys Anatomy, Scrubs and The Office are my favs)
22. Your pet? my NIKON D50 camera
23. Your computer? Mac PowerBook G4
24. Your life? Full...
25. Your mood? let me check my Cheerful. :)
26. Your holidays? Lonely without our families.
27. What are you thinking about right now? How I can get out of making dinner....
28. Your car? "Our"car...a Puegot 307...that's close the Audi A4 right? :)
29. Your work? NEVER ENDS!
30. Summer? Yes please.
31. Your relationship status? married to my beloved
32. Dream vacation? The second my husband's lands at Heathrow...kidding, Italy.
33. When is the last time you laughed? At question #32.
34. Last time you cried? At question #32.
35. School? Been there. Done that. I went to U of L.
36. The last CD you listened to? Joshua Radin...We Were Here
37. Guilty pleasure? celebrity magazines...
Tucked Away
Winding Up
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Winter by Joshua Radin. He is an amazing songwriter and musician. Check him out on iTunes.
While Sadie stayed back to bake some homemade treats with a friend, my boys joined me for an outing in the neighborhood. I actually wandered by some places I had not been before and again pleasantly surprised! Nestled in between the several hundred year old dormatories of The Harrow School, I found this wrought iron fire escape. I am keen on the patterned brickwork alongside the building in the left of the picture as well.
Should I mention that I had to (sorta) trespass through a fence to snap this? It was a lesson in determination for the boys (at least that is the story I am sticking with for now). :) It was all I could do to keep them from climbing over as well while I managed to get a few shots...I might be sharing a few more of these pics of these later.
I was quite happy with the ones I got...this was my favorite.
A Nostalgic View
A Line of Bikes
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Have A Little Faith In Me by John Hiatt
It's Friday!
I took this picture while in the courtyard at the British Museum. As we left I glanced to my left and saw this shot. I did change the tones to B& looks so classic I think. The pretty trees, the iron fence and bikes so neatly lined up...very picturesque.
Today was hard. I have not been feeling well since this morning...not to mention that I am missing my husband so much. I am anticipating a relaxing weekend of just hanging around the house with my kids. I have been somewhat housebound for two days so I am looking forward to blowing the film of dust off my camera and getting creative. Pics will follow so come back!
It is going to be a good weekend I think.
Station Lines
Windsor Castle Station
March 2007
What I am Listening To: The Metro by oldie but a goodie...check it out.
Been long day here but things are well. I will be keeping this short and sweet, after this I have an appointment with my new US magazine, a pillow and a blanket!
I snapped the top shot at Windsor on our field trip as we we walked through the train station. The bottom image is another view. It goes without saying that I could have sat under that roof all day long. I would have admired the lines and tried to figure out new and interesting ways to shoot it! Although I did manage to get a few shots, this was not the day for relaxation or creative shooting. So this is what you are going to get...two of my favorite shots from that morning. As always, I reserve the right to revisit this subject on a later post! :)
Hope you like it. Have a good night...More Lines
March 2007
~Also, a friend got a print of one of my images and hung it in their home. They snapped a picture of it and posted it on their blog. I thought was cool. Click here to check it out. Thanks looks even better after it was matted and framed!
Homemade Goodies
Jo's Mom's Homemade Chutney
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: The Hardest Part by Coldplay
(I have been on a Coldplay kick for a few days!)
First, I have to apologize...
I am not having the time to blog like I want so I haven't been able to visit many of the daily sites that I enjoy so all know who you are! :) I have been a bit busy with my better half in India and taking care of our high maintenance offspring! It may a be a few days before I get a chance to do a lot of commmenting but thanks to all of you who I know are thinking of me and praying for us here. I have a feeling you all understand. So thanks!
I snapped these images at The Doll's House. I have written about them here and here. Today it was official...they have been interested in some of my pics for awhile and today we became business associates as well as friends. I am very excited. I just wanted to to share a couple of pics with you. When my pics go up on their website, I will be placing a link to the right so you can go see the pics! You all have been so great about encouraging me and giving advice through email and comments!
Thanks! Come on In...
A Castle A Day
The Gates of Windsor
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Fix You by Coldplay
We had a homeschooling trip today. We traveled to Windsor, England to visit Windsor Castle. Our HomeEd group was participating in a workshop on Armour and Weaponry. It focused on the Medieval Times when knights were jousting in tournaments and a bow and arrow were the weapons of choice. It was fascinating. If you would like to see more pics of the boys and their day at Windsor...please click HERE. There are some good ones I think!
Windsor is the official residence of the Queen. It has been a favorite residence for over 900 years in the royal family and they open parts of it to the public. Imagine who lived here...Queen Victoria, Henry VIII, Queen Mary...the list goes on and on and on. That is some family home! I have been here a few times before and I always enjoy it each time I go back. This has been one of the great things about living in Britain. There is so much history right at our fingertips. I plan on soaking up as much in as I can!
I snapped this top image as we went through the gates this morning. The sun was peeking through the clouds as I looked up. The bottom image is of the Round Tower of the castle. William the Conquerer built the first wooden castle back in 1070 on this exact spot. The garden you see, used to be the moat that surrounded the stone walls for protection from enemies. Isn't the sky a wonderful backdrop for this picturesque setting? Don't let the sky fool you was cold, windy and it even started sleeting later in the afternoon. Hope you enjoyed another small history lesson! :)
Take care all...I am off to plan another day tomorrow! The Round Tower(r), Windsor
Weathering the Weather
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Like the Weather by 10,000 Maniacs
When will these cold days leave us? I am tired of living through them daily and definitely tired of writing about it!
OK...I am done venting. Sorry about that...
I am going to be thankful that even though the crisp, winter air is still hanging on (like a vengeance) that God is blessing us with beautiful days here and there, as if to give us a taste of what is around the corner! We have had some beautiful days here lately. I love the days when I open up my windows at home to get the breeze going through or when I'm driving and put the windows down to let the air in while listening to my favorite melodies. It is euphoric after a string of long winter days to have one or two nice ones.
I always find it interesting how the weather is so strongly connected with my emotions. Today I wondered if that fact might keep me from things. Doesn't God want me to savor the day I am in? Regardless if it's cold, hot, rainy, or snowy...shouldn't I be looking for something beautiful or finding joy in a moment? Like how a tree can look more far more interesting to me with no leaves...or my Sam, running in from playing outside, bundled up with his scarf, he greets me with a cold, red nose. These are the moments I am talking about.
I snapped these pics a few days apart. The top image is a cold, dreary day...the bare tree a reminder it's going to be awhile until I see some green. The bottom image was yesterday. Just looking at that window open, I can still feel the breeze hitting my face.
So while I wait (hopefully, patiently) for the onset the warmer seasons, I am going to keep looking for the blessings of today. Yesterday
Fresh Delivery...Sorta
Flowers For My Mom
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Lead of Love (live version) by Caedmon's Call
Happy Mothers Day!
This is part one of my Mothers Day post for 2007. Why part one, you may ask? Here in the UK, today is Mum's Day (that is what I call it) and of course we will also be celebrating Mother's Day for the US in May. Let's face it, when you're a can observe the holiday twice and no one will say a thing! :) I can hardly let this day go by without telling my own mother how much I love her and miss her. I have written about her here. She is a wonderful woman who loves me well. It is hard to be so far from her.
Flowers are a lovely sentiment to give for Mother's Day. They are beautiful, fresh, fragrant, feminine and natural. These qualities are similiar to those that I would give to a my own mother in fact. While I wasn't going to be sending any flowers this year, I did take a walk to our local florist LILYMA, to check out their selection of flowers to photograph. The owner Charlotte, graciously allowed me to take my time and snap whatever I fancied. I don't have to tell you all, I was like a kid in a candy store. It was fun for me and I really appreciate her letting me hang out there for a bit. She is a quite gifted floral designer with a natural artistic eye. I loved to see all she was creating. Hopefully I can share more with you all about her and the shop another time.
As my eye wandered, these roses stood out. The beautiful hues of the pinks and greens just drew me in for a closer look. I also liked the leaves that had fallen on to the white diplay. As I got closer through my lens, I realized that they weren't the freshest to pick in the store. Regardless, they were still my favorite. I chose these for you mom! I love you.
Take care.
I wanted to add my job tonight went GREAT! I had so much fun. The family was filled with funny and laid back people which made me feel right at home. Thanks to you all for all your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated!
Facing Giants...
I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers today. I am having my first "event" where I am being paid to photograph. I was asked to do this through word of mouth among friends...pretty cool! It is a 60th wedding anniversary and I will be doing family portraits and some candids. I'm excited and very nervous all at the same time! I will let you know how it goes...
~AnnaFeeling small?
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: All We Ever Needed by Rush of Fools
First...a neat story.
As I was getting ready to publish this tonight, I was very excited to get contacted by the father of a member of a new Christian band RUSH OF FOOLS. I had written that I was listening to their new song "Undo" last night on my No.9 post. Today he google searched the band name and found my blog and really likes it. How cool is that?!?! Check them out on iTunes of you get a chance or their MYSPACE page. Their new album comes out worldwide this May. I love BlogLand! :)
I love seeing other photoblogs. I could spend hours looking through them. Carmi Levy, on his blog yesterday, shot an image of a column along with some insightful words. As soon as I saw his picture, it got me thinking. I have been hoping to post at some point the picture above. I figured now would be a good time to coincide with his post. I captured this at the British Museum. I know, I know...again with the lines, but I like it. It was timely that I could share this image after my day...
It was a strange one for me today.
Have you ever felt like David as he faced Goliath? Big obstacles, apparently little hope? Some of my days here, but certainly not all, can be this way. The adjustment pains that come along with being in a different culture, away from all that is familiar, can be very disheartening. I find myself wondering where God is going to settle me in all of it and desperately trying to rest in His sovereignty and goodness. Somedays I feel quite small in the grand scheme of life and all that comes with it. Today I felt these feelings. How do days like this sneak up on me?
I am so grateful I have Him to run to in these times and I am thankful for my friends who point me to him without fail. For now, those giants don't seem so threatening anymore and the hope I was searching for...has been here all along in my Savior.
No. 9
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Undo by Rush of Fools
Greetings from No.9...
What a day here! It was so beautiful and a perfect way to start my weekend.
It had been a long week here with John leaving and my normal routine but I got a special surprise in my email tonight. My husband who has never commented on my blog, took the time to send his thoughts on my post all the way from India. It meant a lot to me to read his words even though I know he is my most devoted "lurker" out there.
If you have been a regular here you know there are two things that I really like...lines and doors. The last time I looked at this door, it was covered with snow. It was nice to see the sun shining on the doorway and the branches with some patches of greenery. Like a story, I see the foreshadowing of things to come and I am very excited about it. Last spring I had not started my blog, so this will be very new for me as this season approaches.
I snapped No.9 as the boys and I were walking to visit some of their friends they know from the school they used to attend. It was great for them to see everyone. I believe it has been important for them to maintain some of these friendships made over the past year, especially since they are now being homeschooled. Sorry that thought was so random...
Anyhow, I am looking forward to sharing this spring with you through my lens.
Experimenting with Sam
March 2007
FINALLY! Sorry about the wait. I had to post through Foxfire to get the files to upload. Thanks for all the advice you all left for me. I am still not sure what that is all about. It may have been an APPLE issue. My daughter is having the same trouble from her computer. OK...boring. Let's move on...
Here is my image for yesterday. This is Sam. And these are the first pictures taken with my new NIKON SB600 speedlight. I am learning about it still but I can tell I am going to love it. You can tell I was eager to shoot with it...can you see the faint remnants of his kool-aid mustache in the top image? Ahhhh...childhood. Also I snappped the one below as I was experimenting. For those of you who use one of these...feel free to comment with any tips that might be helpful for learning.
Thanks for checking back.
Maybe Tomorrow...
Hey All...
Sorry there is no image yet. I have been having trouble with blogger uploading my pics for about 24 hours now. I will try again in the morning. Thanks for stopping by to visit. Make sure you come back later...I will catch up as soon as I can get it to work.
Take care.
Music and Dinner
Dinner out
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Instrumental Year by Before Summer Ends
First things first. I received the Before Summer Ends CD in the mail I ordered a couple of weeks ago. It is really good and we all love it. Nice job guys! It puts a smile on my face when I come across new music and so I was psyched to get it.
On that note, I love getting mail here...actually we all enjoy it. It doesnt happen often because most people dont send things so far away...too much work I think. But every now and then we get something from home...a card, a letter...sometimes a care package. It is pretty cool when we get something other than a bill. :)
Other than our mail, it was pretty uneventful today. Between wrapping mummies (see the link below) with the boys while we learn about the Egyptians to helping John pack for his trip to India, it has been busy. John leaves in the morning and will be gone for 16 days. Ouch...that is gonna hurt I think. He is going for work and while he will be very busy, it is a trip of a lifetime. I hope he has fun. I could have gone but with the start of homeschooling, I opted to stay here. The kids don't need any more change right now and honestly, I don't either. I am already bummed to think of all the wonderful sights that my eyes could see and my lens could capture if I were going. Maybe another time. We all went to dinner tonight at Gauchos before he goes. It is a quaint little Italian restaurant with exposed brick and dim lights. Very cozy. I snapped this shot as we walked in. I have always liked this lantern hanging in the doorway.
Do me a favor and keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers these next few weeks while he is away. Thanks!
Would you want to see their mummies? Click below.
Cozy with your Neighbors?
Chimneys everywhere...
March 2007
What I'm Listening To...
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own by U2
In my neck of the woods...the homes are quite cozy and this shot gives you a perfect perspective of that!
Does anyone remember Mary Poppins? Of course ya'll do (sorry, that was my southern accent creeping out)! The rooftop views of London are wonderful in that movie. I am especially fond of them because in America you don't see these sights everyday. I love how they look all crowded together.
I snapped this on a walk along the outskirts of our neighborhood. There is a hilltop near our home, when you climb it and then turn and look back this is what you see. However, this is just one part of the view...there are hundreds and hundreds of rooftops right next to these. See the image below that I took also from a distance and you can see what I mean. It is pretty cool I think. To me, this is a daily view here but it definitely isn't ordinary!
This image is also indicative of how people used to live, a time that once was. Villages and towns were tightly weaved together to form a thriving community with everything you needed within a short walk. I have to say, this will be something I will miss from the home we have made here at some point. Knowing that I can walk to the High Street and wave at the store owners and they know my kids and me is very cool. It really solidifies a sense of community rather quickly, no matter how long you have lived here.
What do you think? Do you like to have your neighbors close or with a bit of distance? Do tell...My Village...
By the way, look to the sidebar to the right and check out my VISUAL was fun to do and took just a few minutes. I got it from Kenju's site.
The Hill at Dusk
Dusk from the Hill, Saturday
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Peace of Mind by Boston
Real quick I wanted to say how sorry I was to hear that the lead singer of Boston, Brad Delp, passed away Friday at the young age of 55 of natural causes. Their self titled album from 1976 remains the number one selling debut album in US history. That says alot with the music industry being what it is today. On their band website yesterday, it said only one sentence...'We lost the nicest man in rock and roll today'. A simple yet heartfelt sentiment. For any of you who are doing the math, I was 4 when this song was released. My older brother and sister used to play this music and I will always love it.
Now for my post...
What a difference a day makes. I snapped the image above last night at dusk. As you can imagine, I was staring. It was beautiful to see these pinks and violets on the horizon. Just breathtaking. As I was posting this tonight, I glanced out the window and my view was just as spectacular. So I took another shot and that second image is below. The blues are so vibrant and there was no trace of pink like the night before. I am mesmerized by the varying hues just 24 hours apart from eachother.
I'm off to start planning my homeschooling week. Have a good week yourself!Sunday View
Pretty in Pink
More signs of Spring
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Radiate by Telecast
This tune is perfect for this image. I hope you will check it out on iTunes.
I am posting earlier than ususal tonight. I have a date tonight with my better half. If all goes well, we are going to see the movie The Good Shepherd with some friends. So I better get on with my post...
Does this image need many words? Not so much. When I saw this bloom as I walked, what caught my eye was it was a lone vibrant pink flower in a sea of green leaves. It was beautiful nestled in there. I intentionally composed this shot with the flower going out of the frame so you could get a feel for all the greenery. I am so grateful that my eyes can delight in such splendid things that my Father created.
I hope this gives you a bit of a lift today like it did for me. Have a good Sunday tomorrow.
Parade of Brick and Iron
Gates up the Hill (click to enlarge)
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews Band
Today is a day of little words I think. After a long week, I am just appreciating the fact that it is finally Friday. I am going to try to drown out the sound of the 5 small boys who are playing Gamecube in the next room and go to my happy place....
...OK, I'm there...
On one of my walks through our neighborhood, I found myself climbing a hill nearby. As I glanced over, I saw this string of weathered brick and wrought iron entryways to homes lining the sidewalk. Although I have passed by here countless times before, it was from this perspective that I finally noticed them. Funny how that happens. I had a feeling when I snapped this image that I was going to like it. I hope you like it too!
Have a good Friday!
Chimneys & Wires
Can you say cluttered? (click to enlarge)
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Ironic by Alanis Morrisette
Yesterday on Carmi's blog (his link is below), he took an image and titled it Mixed Signals. Check it out when you finish here. At the end, he challenged his readers to shoot an image they see daily (to the point they would almost overlook it) from a considerable distance while using a zoom lens. And of course, he asked us to post it this is my try Carmi!
As I roamed my neighborhood for something interesting (but not interesting)...I came across this. The cluttered rooftops a few few streets away. I have bloggeed before about the above ground telephone lines and how I enjoy looking at them...they run from home to home and it looks pretty cool. Here you have the roof tiles, the antennaes, the chimneys, the telephone wires and the vents. I stopped cold in my tracks when my eye moved across this scene. The second image below I could study for quite some time. I took it simply because it appeals to my fondness of lines.
I urge you to enlarge it, see the detail and tell me what you think. Give me the first three words that come to mind when you look at it.
March 2007
An Artful Eye
Through His Eyes (click to enlarge)
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Penny & Me (acoustic version) by Hanson
If you get a chance, check out this video on iTunes along with the free podcast episodes of the making of their documentary film "Strong Enough To Break". There is a lot of good buzz about it already. It tells the story of these three very talented musicians (and brothers) on a journey making a new album on their own indie record label after years of trouble with the corporate music industry and artistic interference for the almighty dollar. They have sold 15 million records worldwide and their anticipated new album "The Walk" is coming May 22. Click below to check them out.
OK, OK, I'm is my post for the day....
This is one of those times that I am so thankful to see while I am homeschooling. My son Jack takes his sketchpad everywhere he goes and as soon as we get to where we are going (in this case Buckingham Palace), he plops down and starts sketching. It is wonderful. This is what you don't get sitting in a desk in school for six hours. Somedays I need to remind myself of this. I love that I am able to let him delve into the things that he loves...particularly art. This is a subject that his previous school did nothing with and when you have a visual child (who is much like his mother that way) they can get left on the sideline or even worse...BORED.
I snapped this from quite a distance with one of my other lenses and he had no clue I was taking it. This is one of those images I will treasure away in my heart as something quite special to me.
Would you all be interested to see Jacks sketch that day along with the subject of his attention...if so please click below to see the boys' blog page.
No. 40
No. 40
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Cindy by Tammany Hall NYC (Scrubs Vol. 2, Original Soundtrack)
Another day...another door...or should I say gate?
Welcome to another home in my neighborhood. This was the first sunny day that I was able to snap this home in a while and I am so glad that I did. Look at that amazing sky! Between the red door, blue sky and all the green is so crisp and colorful. On a later day I am going to get up close to the branches over the door which I love. Several owners have this growing over the doorways and it really adds depth and interest in the overall curbside appeal of these homes at first glance. And of course I like this gate. All rusty worn with chipped paint...very rustic.
I would love to see the inside of some of these places. Go in and see how people decorate and color their world. It is probably better that I am outside, maybe I would be disappointed. I'd hate to ruin it. Anyhow, it is something I think of often as I walk by these old homes that spark my interest just from the road.
Penny Wise?
Stand up straight please...
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Fidelity by Regina Spektor (careful, this one is will be singing it for days!)
I couldn't resist. Sometimes flowers seem to be the easy way out when trying to get a pic of the day but this is different. I promise.
I snapped this specific perspective here for several reasons. First, I love to reuse old jars for everything from storing pencils to lovely vases. They just always portray a homemade feel to me. Second, all this white and yellow was drawing me into a joyful mood after a tough day of school that I needed to let go of quickly. And last but certainly not least, I thought since my kids barely learned anything today, I would make myself feel better by teaching you all something.
Some of you may have heard of this trick and maybe even have tried it. I am thinking of you Judy! Notice the pennies at the bottom of the jar in the picture? A long time ago someone told me to put a few cents worth of pennies in the water with my stiff stems (like gerberas or tulips) and that it helps them stand straight up. Apparently what happens is that the copper would get into the water and block bacteria from growing in the stem. This enables the stem to take in water easier, which helps the flower last longer. Now, pure copper pennies havent been made since 1943 so I dont think it REALLY works like it once did.
Why do I still do it then? I have done it ever since I heard it that day simply because I think it looks pretty. What do you all think?
Oh and Jenn...thanks for my flower...I love it.
East Meets West
The Bride to Be...
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Be My Escape (Acoustic) by Relient K
Last night I went to a Mendhi night/Bridal Shower for my friend Kimiko. A Mendhi night is South Asian celebration where women get together to bless the bride for her upcoming marriage. The Christian charity we work with here in the UK has very close ties to the South Asian community. That being said, we were all donning our traditional Indian clothing. The colors were and vibrant. The fabrics, the sounds and the smells...what a beautiful culture they have.
Kimiko as well as her guests, had the traditional henna done on their hands and feet as a part of the festivities. It is a beautiful form of Indian body art. We listened to bhangra music into the night and toasted this much loved friend through skits and dancing.
I snapped this first image as her friends were coming down the stairs with her to present her to her guests waiting below. Kimiko is the one dressed in the pink looking radiant. The photo below is one of the young girls there that we know well. Also dressed in a punjabi suit, the only time she stopped dancing was to get the henna put on her hands. It was precious to watch her throughout the night.
As Kimiko gets ready to leave tomorrow to head back to the States, I want to wish her love and blessings from our family. While it will be hard on her to leave behind her friends and family that are here, she is embarking on a new and adventurous chapter in her life. She has prayed for this time in her life and God has clearly answered her.
Kimiko, to you and Garrett I can say one thing. Love the Lord and love each other well. He will surely bless that.
~take care and I will see you on the webcam! Smiles All Around
March 2007
Self Portrait
What I'm Listening To: Covered by Telecast
Hey there.
It's late. I have been out all evening. I took 325 pictures at a party tonight for my friend. She is moving back to the States on Monday and getting married later this month. I am really going to miss her.
I thought this was an appropriate image to share seeing how this is what I looked like all night....
I will have another pic in the am...
No. 10
No. 10
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Naive, The Kooks
You read right....I did it...FINALLY! Please check the link below to find out exactly what I am writing about here.
This was my checklist to get this picture....
Sunny day...check.
Camera in hand...check (duh!).
Gate open to No. 10....check.
No kids...triple check.
and of course....
The guts to walk into their garden without an invitation. Today? CHECK!
Here is my finished product. I love this doorway. The blue door. The white frame. The steps. The light. The trees. All of it.
So inviting.
I am so glad that I got this today....
Hope you all like it too!
Inside Job
Afternoon light...
March 2007
What I'm Listening To: Nothing Left to Lose, Matt Kearney
Every now and then I challenge myself to shoot inside my home and find interseting things in my everyday surroundings.
Here are my blinds. I mess with them at least three times a day...sometimes more. I have wanted to capture these somehow but had not gotten around to it yet. Another blogger and friend, Carmi, photographed his blinds (see his post titled Tassels his link is below) and so I knew it was time for me to give it a try. Carmi and I have a similiar photographic eye so I was curious to see our different perspectives on the same subject. And the polite blogger that I am, I made sure he didn't mind. Thankfully, he said he was looking forward to seeing my take.
I have this thing for lines in photos which I have written about at length before. Over the past couple of days, I have taken about a million pictures of these blinds. Up close, far away...there were so many to choose from. I like this one because I almost always do close up and this was different. For me, the lines, the reflections, the all working. I love the faint shadow in the corner between the blind and the window...
What have you admired lately that isnt as ordinary as you first thought? Please share.