
Cold London Afternoon?

Yes, that is right...afternoon. I took took this picture at 3:45 pm outside our back door. The blues is this are breathtaking to me. Can you feel the cold air? I can. Come January here it will be pitch black by 3:30 and not light again until 9:00 am.


kenju said...

I added him to our prayer list, Anna, and he will stay there until danger has passed.

I noticed when we were in Europe this Oct. that it gets dark early and stays dark past 8 a.m. I don't think I could get used to that!!

P.S. I would LOVE to come there and decorate your home for Christmas - it just takes plane fare.....LOL

Anna said...

That is what I tell people all the time...
"It JUST takes plane fare!" hehehe.

bluemountainmama said...

wow- what a beautiful blue- my favorite color! great pic, anna!