
Hill View

This is the view of our small neighborhood from the foot of "the Hill"...Harrow-on-the-Hill to be exact. I like this view of all the homes lined up and at the top is the steeple of the Church of St. Marys. I have posted about that before. For more info on
St. Marys check out my post called "Quiet Retreat" from September 21, 2006. The skies are grey all winter here but no matter what time of the year it is...that beautiful green grass is a constant. It is the direct result of the downpours that we get...often! While I have been showing you all close ups of my life here, I though you all might like to see the bigger picture.

1 comment:

bluemountainmama said...

beautiful....reminds me of cumberland, md(http://www.ci.cumberland.md.us/) where we used to live. it was an old town and had huge, old churches that stood on the hill above town. oh...me thinks i know who you got the cranberry and popcorn garland idea from! :)