July 2007
My iTunes: No One Loves Me Like You by Jars of Clay
I am taking a brief break from posting my Venice images because I wanted to share these. It has been beautiful here in London. So while I am not giving you sunshine pictures today JoAnn, I thought you might like these. In London (well, all over Britain) it can downpour one minute and then be insanely pretty the next. I think that colors here are so seem much more vibrant because you get so used to the dreary weather. Whatever the reason...they are breathtaking and will make you stop and appreciate it. I snapped these after the rain when out with some friends last week to get some tea at an old hotel here. I posted them in the order that I like them. I hope this brings a little sunshine your way wherever you are...
Take care and have a great week!
July 2007
I'm the first comment YAYY! Colors are so much brighter here I've noticed that too especially in the sky. I have so many pictures of the sky because it never ceases to amaze me how the sky can be so many different colors of blue at one time.
the top photo makes me take a deep breath...and relax.
I love the top photo Anna!
Nice departure from your wonderful architecture images. I lvoe the last few blogs with the clothes hanging and the bistro with all the chairs and the leading lines of the building too. These new images are refreshing...and they show more of the beauty all around us! I miss the rain since here in SoCal we rarely get any. Even our last rainy season was very dry. Thanks for sharing....julie
"Do the Dew" ;)
These pics are a beautiful break from Venice!
Beads of water are my absolute favorite. I was shooting pictures of ducks today, trying to capture the beads on their feathers.
So are these Venetian leaves, then?
lovely pics, Anna particularly the top-most shot. ...my love affair with rain drops is eternal...:)
Drops of water. So simple and so hypnotic.
The first shot is gorgeous!
And yes, the toga party was very fun indeed!
Have a good week and remember to give someone you love a hug!
Very nice, Anna... I love all of them...
Anna these are all gems. The first is full of diamonds. Absolutely beautiful.
jackie is right - there is something redmptive about rain - beautiful shots
Mmm, nice -- I especially like the water on leaves. I'm a sucker for pretty floral pictures... everytime I come to Europe, I manage to take at least 100 of random flowers that have little to do with being in Europe... = )
One day, I WILL master the art of close up photography! LOL!
Beautiful images Anna. The first one is my fave!
So, your blog has been my inspiration... I'm starting my own photo blog... It won't be a daily thing until I'm back in the states, but I want to use it as my inspiration and motivation to keep taking pictures, even when I'm not in Europe and my subject matter isn't as wonderful = ) http://throughtheamateurlens.blogspot.com.
Forgot the "s".... http://throughtheamateurSlens.blogspot.com = )
Great photos! Sounds like the weather here!! Being from the land of 350 days of sunshine (KS), I'm finally getting used the weather here (Seattle). Thanks for the lovely color.
Such pretty colours! Yes, there must be some compensation for the lousy summer!
Hey, you're a nature photographer too! All three are really good. Actually, that "dreary" London weather makes very good plant and flower lighting, as your photos show.
Wow!In ONE word, thats what I thought when I saw the top photo, very well picture...
have agreat week yourself also!
Wow, Anna! That shot with the chairs reflecting in the puddle is great! Good eye! Looks like you had a great trip.
The top one with all the water droplets is almost magical. Simple beauty.
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