
Project Blue. Take One.

All Up in the Grill
May 2008

My iTunes: Champagne Supernova by Oasis

Welcome Project Blue! For those of you who are new, go out with your camera and find blue...post it on your blog and link back to me here so others can follow along! I am looking forward to sharing the blue in my world with each of you!

This subject is a little beat up and old...but I am loving it! I snapped this at dinner tonight as we left and noticed this blue beauty parked next to my car. I told you all I wouldn't take a picture until today and decide the color...

Make sure you sign the list below if you participate!


Lacey Lichi said...

You're early! I didn't expect it until tomorrow! I'll find some blue for tomorrow's post. I'm SO EXCITED! Great starting shot, and I was REALLY hoping for BLUE!!!! I might add another tonight just for the occasion!

Lacey Lichi said...

First blue is up!

Robert said...

A wonderful start. This is a great image. I love the lines and the angle. And my favorite color! What to do first? I'm off to brainstorm. I'll post something tonight.

Melli said...

Blue is GREAT! I looked through my archives and I have verrrrrry little blue -- so I'll be out finding it too! I did have ONE cute one on hand to share for Day 1 though! Stop on by!

I love your blue car! And the angle on the display!

Karen Coutu said...

That is a beautiful blue and an interesting grill. Makes me want to see what the rest of the car looks like. I'm picturing a convertible?

kenju said...

I like that old blue caddy. It reminds me of one I used to ride in, back in the dark ages. I'll see what I can come up with.

Anonymous said...

They sure don't make 'em like that anymore... great shot! Blue is my favorite color, also.

Unknown said...

Woo hoo, a new project! I'll join in tomorrow -- I just posted today's, and there's NO blue in it at all (it's a b&w!)...

Shelly said...

Yippie! I already posted today and popped over to see if you had announced your color and ta-daaa...what I'd posted has a bit of blue in it. Tomorrow of course will be allll about the blue! The blue car is very cool...of course.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! nice picture ! I also found something blue, with me it's rather red, lol !

Anonymous said...

Blutiful grill! I love old cars. They seems to have so much more dignity and style then most of todays flashy cars.

I am so glad The Blues have finally begun! My first endeavor has been posted.

timtim said...

Blue is going to be tough! I had a feeling... Should be fun!

lynn said...

Great blue! I enjoyed project green so was looking forward to the next color.
My first blue is up. What to do next?

Anonymous said...

mmmm, i thought blue was going to be hard, but once you start looking around...its there!! Great photo Anna and a beautiful blue!! I have posted, looking forward to seeing everyones "blue" posts :0)

Anonymous said...

Good one!

Gina said...

Love this shade of blue..I guessed this would be the colour.. so pleased it is.. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot of that great Blue car! I love blue so I'll be on the look out for something new...

JunieRose2005 said...

Cool Blue, Anna!

I'm in!! :)

Junie Rose

CG said...

My favourite colour! Yay!

Raven said...

Cool car. Afraid I wasn't very creative today. Went with blue skies. Sigh. Oh, well...

Anonymous said...


I was headed over "here" to tell you how much I've enjoyed your Hawaii photos and was surprised to see you've begun your next "Color" project! I was crossing my fingers it'd be blue, but now I can't recall what it was I was chomping at the bit to photograph...ha!

Oh, well...I'm sure I'll remember AND I can't wait to see what blue things land in my field of vision to capture over the next few days. I wonder if I'll go as nuts as I did with Projects Yellow and Green :).

I uploaded a shot to get things started, but I'll be on the prowl for all things NewBlue :).


maryt/theteach said...

Hey Anna, I'm delighted to be back and posting blue!

maryt/theteach said...

My blue post is here

juliana said...

hmm... it's a nice challenge and i think i mght give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Love it!! My first one is up and I can't wait to do this challenge.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Very nice! I love it.

Becky N. said...

Hi, I'm new here! (followed the Pensieve link!)

I've never done a photography project before, but I had a perfect photo for this, so I had to share! Maybe I'll keep my eye on your blog and get some ideas for being creative with my photo-taking! :)

Carletta said...

Wow - what a photo!
And blue - YES! My favorite color.
I was traveling over the weekend and haven't been home long - I managed to get the first post up though.
I'm sure this will be fun!

dot said...

I just happened to luck up and see that you had started a new project. I had already made my post but it does have blue in it. Great idea!

dot said...

OOPS! Forgot to say I really like your photo!

Champ Townboy said...

Your photo makes the old car look great!

I stopped by Carletta's and found out about this project, and like Dot, my post just happened to have blue, so I'm in!!

Thanks for hosting this!!

photowannabe said...

Hi Anna, I had so much fun with the yellow challenge that I'm in a blue mood and have my first one up.
Love your Caddy and the "Anna" angle.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! I'm so happy you're starting a new project :)

Blue and shiny silver... I wish that was my car as well!

~*~Victoria~*~ said...

I'm new here and I saw your blog through my friend's blog so I thought I would do it! Too bad I was not here for Project Green because that is my favorite color! Anyways... I already posted my blues...