
Project Black. Take Two.

In Case It Isn't Clear....There Is A Sign.
June 2008

My iTunes:  Back In Black by AC/DC

Hi ya'll!  How is everyone enjoying Project Black?  It is a challenge isn't it?  I sure think so.  I am breaking my own rule for myself during my challenges (for anyone who knows me, you aren't surprised at all!).  For the most part, my images are taken that day but it was brought to my attention by one of my good friends (thanks Tim) that I did not post a lot of my Colorado images....well let me tell you, the only color they have more of in Colorado than brown...IS BLACK!  So I will be sharing a few of my images from there as well as day to day ones here.

This shot was taken at the BAR-D Chuckwagon.  It's a supper and music show that is great for the whole famliy.  Be sure to check out the link and if you are ever in Durango this is a must see.  We were guests of the man who started it in 1969 and later in the week we were invited to return and I took tons of pictures for them for their use as a thank you.  It was such a good time!

Please remember to link back here and sign Mr. Linky...ONLY ONCE!  

Now go find more black!



Anonymous said...

Oh, Anna, too, too funny. The last three letters in that sign seal its hilarity (and it looks great against the grain of the building). Glad Tim encouraged this post and looking forward to more Black Projects from Colorado.

How cool that you were guests of the original owner of the BAR-D Chuckwagon; it sounds like a local institution.

You've had some great travel opportunities the past year...of course, THAT means photo opps, too :).

Unknown said...

So I must have only looked at your image yesterday because I completely missed the "no black and white images" part... :( I have a correct image for tomorrow!

Paul Nichols said...

My head is spinning with ideas. And I have a few black hats, too.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes, Colorado images. Only a week left before I leave for the rocky mountain state!

I am really enjoying this project! I think it is the best yet. Black is an interesting and versatile color.

kenju said...

Love the sign! Black is the color of my true love's hair.....

Anna said...

That cracks me up!!! Love it!

ellen b. said...

What a fabulous sign!!

Robert said...

I don't know why I'm so drawn to such images. It's simplicity, colors, composition all flow so nicely together. The texture and grain are incredible. This really is a wonderful capture. Black is fun. Julianne is fine with the black so no worries!

I'm going to break your rule and post to Mr. Linky once more only because the first time I did, it leads only to my first PB post. Now I'll link to my whole site so others can check each day (since I WILL be posting everyday this project is going).

Raven said...

Rules are made to be broken... Love the sign. In some ways it would seem like black should be easy but It's tricky, I think. But I'm also having great fun as always.

MaR said...

I love the simplicity yet the whole story behind the sign, lol. It's early in the morning and didn't realize/forgot you are using one Mr Linky for the whole project. Sorry I entered my name again...
Posted another pic from my archives but my camera is ready to go out today!

Carletta said...

My post is yellow and black today too. I smiled when I came here. I paid homage to project yellow, guess you kinda did too!
Great image!
Black is tricky but that makes it a great challenge.

photowannabe said...

Posted an original "black and white" today. Hope you enjoy it. I love the simplicity of your black shot. This is a challenge but fun.

Melli said...

But! But! But it MAKES my outfit... *pout*

Anonymous said...

To me, it doesn't matter, I just enjoy seeing your photography!! :D

I love this shot. The "ERA" in small letters made me laugh hard!

Anonymous said...

Nice one. I'm a day late in getting started, but I'm in now. Thanks for this challenge.

Jerry Pennington said...

Awesome. I love quirky signs like that.

Dianne said...

fun sign, the yellow is great against the fence. so how many people still wore hats!?

timtim said...

I want to play too! Missed a great shot last night at dinner at Mary Mac's. :-(

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot... love the simplicity and the wood grain is fantastic!

Gattina said...

I just came back from Italy yesterday and found this new project ! so I join in for tomorrow n°3 in black ! Coming from sunny Italy I have to dig deep for black, lol !

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun!
Count me in!
Cheers, Klaus

juliana said...

funny stuff :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Ah this is so fun. :)

My second photo is up.

Jientje said...

Oh dear, I put up a new post this morning, but I forgot to visit here!
I love doors, and details of them, and I love how "simple" this picture is! But that's what makes it great!

Unknown said...

I love the shot! It's so simple, yet very cool

Anonymous said...

I'm the first one to comment to this post, and probably the last person to get a "Day Two" shot up! Geez!! That "life, it does get in the way of blogging sometimes :).

Would love for you drop in if you're able--you'll be coming to my home!

Hope YOU'VE had a lovely day! It's so much fun getting back into the swing of these photo projects.

Elizabeth said...

I want to put you as a link on my post.
what is your exact
I can't seem to find it.
Happy weekend.
All best wishes

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Anna, this is a challenging project!

Will you please delete #37 on your Mr. Linky; I don't know what I did wrong, but when I click my name there it goes right to my edit tab in blogger (not a good thing if everyone else can also go there!!) So I reentered my name at #71 correctly.


Jeanne Damoff said...

"E.R.A." That's too great! :)

I love the way you off-centered the sign. It draws attention to itself anyway, and leaves space for all that lovely wood grain.

Sounds like a fun experience, too!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Very cool photo Anna.

Brian said...

This is a very good project makes one think, a black and white photo is one thing to photo black as a color/colour is quite another.

Like all the submissions to date, thanks to Sara for pointing me to this project.


CG said...

Just love it!!