
Like A Child

What makes your heart seem exceptionally peaceful? Me? I love seeing glimpses of my children savoring moments.

Our youngest son Sam has never had to be pryed out of a shell. When he entered this world and was ready to get busy living and hasn't stopped since. And believe me...that helps when you pick up and move to another country. He has been such a joy for his dad and me to watch over the years. The way my kids have delved into life here has been a lesson for me and I learn from them everyday. It isn't easy making new friends in a new place and adapting to so many cultures that are different from your own. They squeeze joy out of anything they can. All three have had some difficult times, but overall they make it seem so effortless. Those are gifts that are so evident in children. It reminds of how I need to be more...more like a child. I named this post after one of my favorite songs by Jars of Clay. Definitely listen to it if you haven't heard it already. It speaks about having the faith of children in the midst of life and all that life brings.

This afternoon Sam invited a friend home from school to play. I snapped this as we walked home. London had wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour and here Sam is pointing out to his friend the damage that he is seeing as they walk along the path. It looks like he is giving a tour. I enjoyed hearing them exchange...Sam with his southern, Virginia accent and his friend with a British Asian accent. So cute. Audio on this post would have been nice so you could hear them.


bluemountainmama said...

what a great photo....when i read the description i had to smile! sounds a lot like my son! yes, to be more like a child........

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! I REALY like this pic.

It makes me think of those times when my boys were younger and both were living at home. Occasionally I would go upstairs where their rooms were and the two of them were at the computer or playing a console game or something like that and they would be having an ACTUAL conversation. Not brother to brother hassling, but a real honest to goodness communication session. It would remind me that they are groing up and make me want to burst with joy at the knowledge that they were becoming young men.

kenju said...

What a great memory this will be for him someday.

Lady of the house said...

Heard about those winds this morning on BBC news. Wow! You have captured such a tender moment with your child and his friend. My own little one at just 1.5 is always reminding me to be adaptable. I'm amazed at how well he adapts to situations that are out of the norm, especially since we keep a fairly tight routine around the house.

hannahjoy said...

What a beautiful picture! Thanks for the comment on my blog - I'll probably be linking to yours since I enjoy seeing your pictures so much. Your life in London looks great.